Monday, September 24, 2007

Oh, The Drama!

It has been six days since my last confession...

Things are looking up! this week yielded some ups and downs... starting of course with the way I started the week, outlined in my previous post. Apparently on my night of 'fun'... I ended up smoking twice, and I must have gotten into a fight with a wall or something, because I caused some soft tissue damage to my left shoulder, leaving me unable to do the only exercise I was able to do, besides walking. I also got diagnosed with some kind of nasty inflamation to my hip, which means I need to go see a physiotherapist, and take Dicloflex tablets three times a day, every day for five weeks... hoping it will yield some decent results!

So after such a punishing start to my week, I had found four of the seven pounds I had lost, leaving my confidence a little more damaged! I was distressed in finding this out, and felt that the best way to come back from such a rouch start was to make it a great finish.

That being said, it's now the first day of week three, and I have dropped the four pounds I gained last week, and an additional pound. I've also noticed that since the start of this, I have lost a couple of trouser sizes, leaving me fitting a 34 right now, down from 38 at the beginning of September. I couldn't be happier about this, as I am starting to see the last notch in my belts, leaving me with the issue of having to get a smaller belt or two! It's a tough life!

I also had an interview on Friday that could change my career life as I know it, which I was looking forward to for quite some time... not only because of the impact that the job would have on my life, but also the fact that I would be able to try on, and hopefully fit in a suit I bought when I first arrived in Edinburgh, and wouldn't fit in, without sucking in my keg, and bringing a violet shade to my face. I am excited to announce that I was able to fit into the suit, and wear it all day with no discomfort... in fact, I found myself with a brand new confidence, strutting through the streets in Edinburgh dressed to the nines.

I won't hear back about the job for a wee while, but while I wait, I can sit back and enjoy the suit! I've taken a little bit of a new approach with my onion-skinned image idea... I figured there's not too much you can see when it's blurred, so I defined the line. The old stomach is the red line, and the new stomach is the blue line. I am actually surprised at how much mass I've missed, as I've only lost eight pounds or so!

I have been reading everyone else's blogs, and there's some stiff competition, and despite my situation, I am still going to be in this thing for the long haul! If this is what can be done in only two weeks, I'm completely taken back by the possibility of getting down to my goal weight of 180... much before my original (July) goal of Feb/08. Now I think I'll be hoping for 175 by Christmas. Wish me luck!

I don't have too much else to add for right now, so I'll leave with the latest images from my Week 2/3 progress.

Here's the newest onion-skinned shot... it looks as though I am losing some! :) Yay!

1 comment:

Sickofthegut said...

Hey man, good job. And just get past the bumps in the road, let them make your determination that much more!!!

Good luck with the job, and keep posting on your progress! Were all reading and waiting!